Re: [gnome-women] DW, GW and off-topicness

বুধ, 2005-08-10 -র 11:14 +1000-এ, Mary Gardiner লিখেছিলেন:
hi all,

Was following this thread for a while and well flamefests are not really
a nice way to start off a new venture. So perhaps this thread can be
terminated right here. 
> I expect GNOME Women to be a pretty different place from LinuxChix, but
> that's because LinuxChix is a support and social group for women Linux
> users and GNOME Women is (I gather) a mentoring group for potential and
> existing women GNOME developers, not because either of them sucks.

The reason I joined gnome-women and linuxchix (tho not full-throttle
yet) is for the simple reason that i was the lonely-only girl in the
linux-user-group and l10n-team that i have been part of for the past 3
years. during these times i saw very different approaches being metted
out to ppl like newbies, techie-newbies, non-newbies, partial-interest-
groups(like me who are only interested in bits and pieces of the talk),
women-techies. More often than not a few of the all-rounders in the team
tend to overshadow the proceedings due to which seemingly "unimportant"
issues (which might be of huge importance for a new-linux-user) are left
unattended or distraughtly dealt with. this results in intimidating the
rest of the people in the group. Same happens with women in someplaces
where they are taken as non-serious or secondary players even after
showing immense skills. this makes women or for that matter any other
person conscious about  their level of  participation. this phenomenon
would perhaps vary in different parts of the globe. 

for me forums like gnome-women mean a place where i can air my views or
participate in the projects/proceedings and learn about the many nitty-
gritties that are often left unsaid or one is afraid to ask in a wider
forum, without inhibitions as i know i wouldnt be condemned as a second-
grade group member.

just my 2 ps


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