Re: DW (was: Re: [gnome-women] Getting a Web Site Up & Logo Contest status)

* Clytie Siddall <clytie riverland net au> [2005:08:09 14:44 +0930]: 
> On 09/08/2005, at 1:57 AM, Erinn Clark wrote:
> >Not to get too off-topic, but could you please avoid insulting DW on
> >random other lists? It'd be pretty classy of you to do that.
> Erinn, I had no intention of insulting D-W at all. I simply said that  
> there were some things that weren't working for it, and I can't be  
> the only person to have noticed that. I've kept on trying there, and  
> will continue to try there, but I'd really like to see it be easier  
> for new people, for example, in this group. I don't think that's a  
> bad thing.

Well, one thing you fail to recognize is that there is a difficult
balance to maintain. (Highly) technical people involved are totally
underwhelmed by some technology and do not want to use it and in our
case, they tend to be the people in charge of how things get done; CVS
may be easy for committing purposes, but it also sucks. Highly technical
discussion may be off-putting to some newbies, but it's interesting to
non-newbies and *they* will leave if the level of discourse does not
match their experience. So, sure -- it's possible that DW has some of
these issues, but it's absolutely NOT specific to DW and had I known you
felt this was an issue, I would've patiently listened to your ideas for
improving it and seeing what could be done. Alas.

Either way, it would've been totally appropriate to bring this up on
DW's list, but the fact that you brought it up here instead -- without
any real desire for resolution -- is what makes it insulting. 

off the chain like a rebellious guanine nucleotide

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