Re: Gnome Web Plone Sprint

On Mon, 2008-10-27 at 06:15 +0100, Carsten Senger wrote:
> Hi Murray,
> for more than a year I read this list. I contributed small things during 
> the decision process but had no time to do work on gnomeweb-plone.
> There are results of the sprint during ploneconf and Jonathan worked on 
> wgo.theme since then, so I see a chance that the development comes to 
> speed. Putting the buildout into the collective on is one 
> of the things that make it much easier to get contributions out of the 
> plone community. People like me are used to it.

However, every commit that is made with an awful commit mesasge and no
ChangeLog entry just increases my fear that this will never become less

 make with 
> So I tried to get involved today and find tasks that are usefull now, 
> but that's really hard. The wiki and bugzilla are really outdated and 
> there is no such thing like a gnomeweb-plone-team. I try to talk to the 
> people that sprinted in washington in the next days.
> To get a better overview and make it easier for others to start I plan 
> to do the following things in the next days:
> - I'll install a testsite on a public server and update it regulary.
>    The easiest way is to install it on my server, but I can install it to
>    any server if you want to. The testsite will be up in 1 or 2 days.
> - Then I try to update and extend the tasklist
> and do some more cleanup in
>    the wiki. Many things there are outdated and that makes it difficult
>    to get started
> - Work on a repeatable way to fill new sites with conent and
>    prepare content
> The testsite is basically plone with a basic visual theme. It does not 
> hold the content that was in previews testsites. I try to fix that step 
> by step. Adapting Plone to the requirements of will take a 
> while. Hopefully we can get a handfull of regulary contributing plone 
> developers.
> Whenever we have a working state with notable progress I will update the 
> testsite.
> We will see if gnomeweb-plone makes good progress in the next weeks. 
> Setting other deadlines isn't possible in my opinion.
> Murray Cumming schrieb:
> > On Sat, 2008-10-18 at 19:59 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
> >> On Fri, 2008-10-17 at 18:00 -0700, Jonathan Wilde wrote:
> [...]
> >>
> >> Which of these are regressions compared to the Plone 2 version that was
> >> running on a test site once? I realise that you'll have to guess the
> >> answer (based on your understanding of Plone 2 & 3) because you probably
> >> never saw that site.
> It's a big regression. If I understand it correctly we refactor code 
> from late 2007/early 2008. It misses much funktions, design and content 
> that I saw in testsites around late2006/early 2007. I also did not find 
> an repository with code from 2006/early 2007. If someone has that code, 
> it would be a great help. Also having a backup from an old testsite 
> would help.
> There was activity around PloneSoftwareCenter (DOAP, scalability). 
> PloneSoftwareCenter made substantial progress. I think most needed 
> adjusments are included in upstream today.
> > In the meantime I tried to do a "buildout" of this new fork, using the
> > instructions here:
> >
> > (Using wgo.buildout-dev instead of wgo.buildout. I guess you renamed
> > that.)
> > 
> > But when running the instance, and trying to look at it in a browser, I
> > got this crash:
> > 
> > murrayc murrayc-x61:~/checkouts/gnome224/gnomeweb-plone-fork2/wgo.buildout-dev$ ./bin/instance fg
> > /home/murrayc/checkouts/gnome224/gnomeweb-plone-fork2/wgo.buildout-dev/parts/instance/bin/runzope -X debug-mode=on
> [...]
> > end_element_ns
> >     self._cont_handler.endElementNS(pair, None)
> This was a missing file and some other small things. Jonathan fixed them 
> today.
> >>> Here's my recommendations on how to finish up those tasks as fast as
> >>> possible:
> >>>
> >>>      1. Create a publicly-visible task list of what needs to get done.
> >>>         We could use or another hosted
> >>>         service, such as Remember the Milk.
> >> There's no reason to use anything other than or
> >>
> That sounds good.
> >>
> >> We had already been using the "beta" version in the website product in
> >> bugzilla, with the Plone 2 site. Most of those bugs are probalby not
> >> worth worrying about until the Plone 3 site is up and running. Again,
> >> nothing should distract from getting that running - please don't
> >> distract yourselves with attempts to add new features or improvements.
> I will install a testsite within two days. But it's no continuation of 
> the plone2-"beta". I did not find anything from a plone2-development 
> that we could integrate. But maybe I'm missing something.
> ..Carsten
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