Re: * common header

Hi Quim,

On Tue, 2006-04-04 at 09:12 +0200, Quim Gil wrote:


> What do you think about header, with a non-intrusive
> GNOME bar? 
The site is quite well done.

> How would you combine your proposed header with subsites with strong own
> identity, like GUADEC, Evolution, etc?
This is quite a difficult question to answer. I like how the guadec page
uses the common header. It relates itself to GNOME without the gnome
header being too intrusive.

In the case of the evolution page, that would depend on the relationship
that evolution has with Are project sites that are hosted
off the w.g.o. servers going to be 'required' to have specific gnome
parts? Is this reasonable or desirable? Where do we draw the line on who
has to use what parts of the 'gnome common source'? At some level, it
will have to be up to the page designer/owner to decide what goes into
their page.

> As a common header fan I also think Bugzilla and any other official
> GNOME subiste can/must have a GNOME bar. Our work is to make it useful
> and non-intrusive so webmasters like Olav don't get upset with it and
> users like Steve feel comfortable with it when browsing.
I agree that all gnome 'official' sites should have the same header.
I've come to agree with Olav that the current navigation can get in the
way of some sites 'look and feel'. I think that each official gnome page
should have a MINIMUM of the header bar. I do think that all else
depends on the specific site and/or page as to what else is included.

I'm still playing with the gnome pages and especially a mock-up of My intention is to see what type of common source is
necessary and/or desirable for gnome web pages.


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