Re: * common header

On 4/4/06, Quim Gil <qgil desdeamericaconamor org> wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-04-04 at 02:54 -0400, Steve Judd wrote:
> > I can understand about too many links being a problem. Especially if
> > they dominate the intended main content of the page.
> This is the main point indeed.
> What do you think about header, with a non-intrusive
> GNOME bar?

I would like something like that. I'd only use the gray area and put
the existing links / text ('new bug' etc + login information) directly
beneath the bar. Not sure if that still looks ok. That would allow me
to have only one top bar (and not multiple ones).

> How would you combine your proposed header with subsites with strong own
> identity, like GUADEC, Evolution, etc?
> As a common header fan I also think Bugzilla and any other official
> GNOME subiste can/must have a GNOME bar. Our work is to make it useful
> and non-intrusive so webmasters like Olav don't get upset with it and
> users like Steve feel comfortable with it when browsing.

Upset is a too strong word. But I'd never use it. My issue is that I
just do not consider these links as useful, but I'll explain more in
another reply (to Steve).


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