Re: [patch] new cdda module

Am Montag, den 29.08.2005, 09:24 +0200 schrieb Mattias Eriksson:
> I agree, the message must be clear and informative.  However, the
> specific mp3 problem is not ours, but a problem of the distributions. 

Just wanted to point it out.

> Well I think the choise if gstreamer is easy, since it is supported in
> other places. I realize that Alex doesn't want to have gnome-vfs depend
> on gstreamer, so I suggest that this kind of functionality is developed
> outside the gnome-vfs project. 

I don't think this should be handled by gnome-vfs at all (at least in
standard installation. When we agreed on leaving out the cdda module 
and handling the playing/ripping task by a dedicated app, we basically 
told the user: "A song is not a file.", because files are managed by 
nautilus, and songs now aren't (this is only true if a music manager
like rhythmbox is used, which can automatically add songs from a cd to
the user's collection, a.k.a. ripping. This seems to me like the best
solution to 
the whole thing). We should not break this by telling them 
"A song is not a file when copying FROM cd, but when copying TO 
a mobile player (or even a cdr), it is a file." I think it is best to
let the player 
application handle copying of music from/to devices (including cd(r)).

If the cdda module will be available as a separate package, we could of 
course add such a module to it. That would make sense, because the
can be completely handled as files, from cd to disk to mobile player.

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