Re: Translation opinions

OOn 09/09/06, Alex Hudson <home alexhudson com> wrote:
On Sat, 2006-09-09 at 17:12 +0100, David Lodge wrote:
> Every time I see the word "ellipsize" I get shivers - as it's not a word,
> just turning a noun into a verb. I could be lazy and turn this into
> "ellipsise", but this doesn't feel right with me.

Horrible word :)

I'm not sure there is a specific translation, because it's both a
neologism and jargon. It's unintuitive though; I still don't read it
right - it always makes me think of ellipses, not ellipsis.

I checked what I did for the Welsh translation of gtk+-properties, and
the one-word string "Ellipsize" has become "Colli geiriau". If you
literally translate that to English, it becomes "Lose words". However,
it is a conjugation of a recognised Welsh translation for "ellipsis"
itself: I think it's found in the small Collins Welsh<->English
dictionary, but I do have a note against that string reminding me to
look in another specific source too.

Then there's the explanatory string associated with it, i.e.:
"The preferred place to ellipsize the string" etc.
A very loose translation of the Welsh back to English gives:
"The preferred place for an ellipsis (...) in the string" etc.

I thought it best there to use the belt-and-braces approach of
actually demonstrating what an ellipsis was.

So my suggestion, roughly in line with Bastien's, would be "Place
ellipsis" for "Ellipsize", and as above for the second string. Just
one translator's opinion though.


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