Re: New member

Anton Kerezov wrote:

2009/4/15 Robert Staudinger <robert staudinger gmail com <mailto:robert staudinger gmail com>>

    For being the default engine we'd need an outstanding theme (apart
    from lots of work on the engine itself). Would you be interested in
    doing one? I like Andreas' proposal to do a green theme, this would
    clearly set us apart from the blue that most others are using.

Yes I would but first we need to clarify what is a theme:
- gtk
- metacity
GTK+ theme is what I referred to as widget theme and that's what Robert is talking about as well.
The metacity should match the GTK+ theme.
- and clutter theme (though I don't know if they support anything like that)
No need for theming really. We can just make sure that the Clutter interfaces (in gnome-shell, gnome-games etc.) looks good.
- wallpaper
The ones we have in gnome-backgrounds right now [1] are quite good, and I don't see a reason for us to go through the painful process of selecting a new set now.
- icons
As I mentioned earlier, Lapo and Jimmac have been working on updating the current set, and I expect us to use this.


- Andreas

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