Re: Extensions review

It's still very helpful to know what changes between gnome-shell versions (sure, not helpful for all extensions, but certainly helpful for many).

To this effort I once (at 3.2) started documenting the JS side of gnome-shell [1] with the intention that whenever the version bumped I'd merge the documentation over to the next branch (e.g. from 3.2 to 3.4) and then change whatever needed to be changed.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to keep up with gnome-shell versions - we're now at 3.12 and I still haven't finished the 3.2 documentation, so I abandoned it.
If any of the mailing list want to contribute, they are most welcome (though at this point it might be better to start at 3.10 or so rather than persist with 3.2). I imagine once one full set of documentation is up it should (technically) not take as much time to document changes between versions as most of the documentation can (hopefully) be carried over.

(The syntax is JSDoc though I suspect with all the changes in that package it will no longer compile; however in-code documentation will certainly do for now).


On 25 May 2014 23:34, Sam Bull <sam hacking sent com> wrote:
On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 10:14 AM, Carlos Soriano Sánchez
<carlos soriano89 gmail com> wrote:
> Sriram,
> Still, that's more work for developers, who already seems to be working on
> something else more important upstream. At the end, what we need is someone
> to go trough commits and make a list of important changes before a release.
> Not sure who be willing to do so, although Drago did it last release, I
> don't know how time consuming was to do it.

Is this actually something that can be achieved for all extension
developers? The way it can hack into the code surely means that any
change could break an extension.

For example, my extension, when updating to a new version, I've had most
of the shell overlay change out from under me, and it took me days or
weeks to hack back in to the new code to get my extension running.
        Another time, my extension only broke due to a single attribute in the
shell being renamed to not have a preceding '_'.

I've also had to copy and paste several full functions from the shell
code so that I can change a line or add a couple of other lines, so if
any of these functions change, I need to copy the new version.

Maybe this is not the type of extension that is targeted by this effort,
would these changes likely help other extension developers?

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