On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 9:52 PM, Carlos Soriano Sánchez1) GTK: You can't really use GTK inside an extension other then for
<carlos soriano89 gmail com> wrote:
> Hi,
> With the mission of make review of extension simpler, I wrote some
> guidelines to accept or not an extension.
> My intention is also to allow less on extensions, going forward to more
> security and privacy, making the review work simpler and the extension
> ecosystem less messed.
> If we can agree on something like that, we will do this work more simple, so
> more community people can get in.
> Please give me feedback on that. It's just a draft to do the first step
> forward on that. So we can add, remove or modify those.
> https://wiki.gnome.org/CarlosSoriano/ExtensionsGuidelines
> Thanks!
extension preferences (which is a valid case)
2) Duplicates: Yeah forgot to tell you about that in the last mail
while doing a review check for dupes and if there is one don't approve
it either get both authors to work together or if one gets abounded
let the new user become the owner (i.e send mail wait two weeks if he
does not respond transfer ownership).
3) Should probably add that sync I/O should be avoided because it
blocks the whole compositor process.