Re: Newbie questions

Adam C Powell IV wrote:
I too could never get visor and /dev/ttyUSB* to work with my 700p, so I
switched to libusb, which is faster.

Try this, it works for me with a 700p on Debian etch:
      * find /lib/modules -name visor.ko -print
      * mv <that file> /root/ [if there's more than one, give them different names]
      * rmmod visor
      * <Remove pilot-applet from panel, if it's running>
      * apt-get update && apt-get install libusb libusb-dev
      * cp /usr/share/pilot-link/udev/60-libpisock.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
      * /etc/init.d/udev restart
      * <Plug in Treo>
      * <Hit hotsync>
      * pilot-xfer -p usb: -l

OK, after correcting the above, I see

linux [root] /root> pilot-xfer -p usb: -l

Listening for incoming connection on usb:...

And eventually the TREO times out.


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