Re: Kyocera 7135 not behaving with gpilot

On 15:56 Wed 09 Mar     , Don Seiler wrote:
> OK well it seemed to work the first time for initial setup.  Only my
> first real attempt at syncing crashed the evolution exchange backend and
> now if I try to open Pilot Settings, nothing opens.  I can still do
> pilot-xfer just fine.
> I have tried to shutdown all of evolution (even backend stuff) and
> restart it, but no change.

Seems I have to kill any and all gpilotd processes in order to bring up
the control applet UI again.  Every other sync has also caushed the
addressbook to crash.

Otherwise I can sync my addressbook, but I get connection lost error
when trying to sync the date book.  Might this be due to recurring
appointments without end or something?

Don Seiler
don seiler us

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