Where to put spec files...

On Sat, 2002-01-19 at 11:14, Ross Golder wrote:
> What good is a shedload of specfiles unless tied to a particular
> checkout or tarball source? There's only one place to maintain spec
> files, and that's along with the packages in question (imho).

I agree completely, see the archives of this list for a long message
about that.  Maintaining them outside of the source tree is a complete

> I must admit, I had the same thought once, but decided it wouldn't do
> much good.

I've been thinking about this, and I think that I'd like to move the
.spec files, and debian/ dirs, and Solaris/slackware packaging stuff out
of the main directory for -all- modules.  Since 99% of the time, the
people maintaining the code aren't the same people maintaining the .spec
files, it doesn't really belong "in with the code".  Having it in the
top directory, named only for the package name is somewhat unfriendly to
SuSE and other RPM based distributions.  So, the solution that I think
will probably work best, is to create a subdirectory called "packaging/"
(suggestions on the name most welcome!).  Inside of this directory, we
can put, for example, redhat-gnome-core.spec.in,
suse-gnome-core.spec.in, debian/, and whatever else we might need, for
any other Solaris/Slackware/Irix/other packages.  Thoughts?

Portland, Oregon, USA.

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