Re: First impressions - USER report

Dale> Speaking of startup, so far I've just been invoking 'panel' from
Dale> a command prompt. Is there a better way I should be doing things
Dale> - for instance invoking something other than 'panel'? I have yet
Dale> to RTFM, so I can't gripe too hard about this one.

Mark Galassi's documentation covers this.
The short answer: eventually "gnome-session" will do this.

Dale> For some more trivial ones, how do you delete something from the
Dale> panel, or make it save its settings, or add something besides
Dale> one of the supplied menus/applets? RTFM is an acceptable answer,
Dale> but at some point this stuff ought to be immediately and
Dale> visually intuitive, if possible. While reading manuals is ok,
Dale> and not to be avoided on general principle, there should also be
Dale> no principle forcing manuals to be read when it's not necessary.

Use B3 on the mouse to bring up a menu for any panel applet.  I found
this intuitive.  Why didn't you?

The panel automatically saves its state.  You shouldn't have to do

Of course, you'll always have to read a manual to figure out how to
start things.  But hopefully system integrators will set everything up
so that most users won't have to do this.


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