Re: Portugal portuguese manual files

Ok. I reviewed carefully the baobab file (the smaller one) and resubmitted it via DamnedLies.

Most of the work was revising machine translations that had slipped through. All tags checked ("<_:média-1/>" also checked), but I will be keeping an eye on on the next hours to see if there are any issues.

If all is good, in a few days I will do the same for the other files, this time taking proper time to thoroughly review each manual.

Às 03:00 de 02-09-2016, Rafael Fontenelle escreveu:
So, the commit I made for the Portuguese translation for help files presented 2 issues: unexpected newline in (I believe that happened only in gnome-terminal) and PO files with some bogus content that end up breaking build for gnome-terminal (gnome-3-20 and master), gnome-calculator (master) and baobab (master). All the bogus PO files disabled now.

I verified with Gettext's msgfmt and PyG3T's gtxml before commiting (but didn't test building) and, after the whole problem, I made some content analysis of the problematic PO files and found nothing. I even fixed some XML tags like "<_:média-1/>" (p.s. do not translate these xml tags in GNOME help files!), but it didn't changed the outcome. I sincerely don't have a solution and, sadly, don't have the time to look throughout the whole PO file to figure out what is wrong on it. Sorry, Tiago.

2016-09-01 13:48 GMT-03:00 Tiago Santos <tiagofsantos81 sapo pt <mailto:tiagofsantos81 sapo pt>>:

    On DamnedLies you can see that gnome-terminal was not inicially
    commited to master where I uploaded it but on 3.20.
    Could that be the culprint?

No, I cherry-picked from gnome-3-20 to master branch. Both branches were 100% translated, until the commit was reverted to resolve the breakage. The problem here is (was) tin he PO file that had something bogus.

Rafael Fontenelle

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