Re: Does YOUR language have an entry in GDM?

On Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 06:50:13PM +0100, Danilo Segan wrote:
> Hi George,
> George <> writes:
> >
> > Both sr_YU and sr_CS should be listed here so they both work.  Only the one
> > that's set up will be shown, but the above should really still call sr_YU
> > 'Serbian' instead of just 'sr_YU' which would happen with the above patch.
> Isn't this only a code which is used to look up a translation in
> locale.alias?  And if locale.alias contains that locale, it goes
> through the list of all available (where there's sr_YU as well).
> There's so much more wrong with sr_YU locale, that those users
> experiencing a slowdown of 1ms is least of the concerns I have.

Now I mean it should not be deleted from gdmlanguages.c.  I have no problem
with the locale.alias changes.  Just that in case some system uses a
different locale.alias or has only a sr_YU locale I want that to show up as
translated 'Serbian' in the menus.  That is, I objected to the removing of a
line from gdmlanguages.c, all stuff in there should stay.

> > Also the others need to then be fixed to do the search by first
> > stripping the charset.  The charset is not important to the language name.
> > I will fix this later, feel free to file a bug.  Basically the above needs
> > to be then changed to sr_CS@Latn, but of course gdm needs to be fixed first.
> Yes, this would require some changes in GDM, but that doesn't seem
> possible for Gnome 2.6 (with all the freezes around :), so I'd rather
> wait with that.

Freezes schmeezes.  Never stopped me :)  This is a fix anyway and not a
feature.  It's wrong for it to look up the translation using the encoding.


George <>
   War is much too serious a matter to be entrusted to the military.
                       -- George Clemenceau

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