Re: Does YOUR language have an entry in GDM?

Hi George,

George <> writes:
> On that note, feel free to commit additions to both locale.alias and
> gdmlanguages.c that add your favourite languages.
> Though obviously it would make sense to only add languages that will be in
> libc and installed on users systems eventually.

Thanks for your explanation George, and I'll add another tiny bit
which I think is correct (based on reading the code).

GDM actually can try more than one locale, so I would basically
define something like:

 Serbian                sr_CS.UTF-8,sr_CS,sr_YU@cyrillic
 Serbian(Latin)         sr_CS.UTF-8@Latn,sr_CS@Latn,sr_YU
 Serbian(ijekavski)     sr_CS.UTF-8@ije,sr_CS@ije

The problem with this approach is that GDM won't display any of these
if, for instance, there's no locale at all for the last one (because
it takes care only about the encoding, not the modifier field as well).
So, adding support for this is something I've got to do before adding
support for all the variants Serbian speakers might need, and Gnome
will provide translations for.

I'll look into adjusting GDM soon, but I don't think this can go into
GDM prior to 2.6 release. I'd be glad to hear that I'm wrong.

In the mean time, I'll adjust locale.alias to hold first two, which
have their fallbacks on currently widely distributed sr_YU and


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