Re: Brazilian Portuguese translation team bugzilla setup.

sön 2003-10-26 klockan 14.15 skrev Carlos Perelló Marín:
> > > I guess I lost myself in the details of my request. The main point is:
> > > we need edit bug privileges to the gentlemen above.
> > 
> > I actually don't know how to arrange that. Perhaps you should contact
> > and hear if it's possible to arrange.
> You need bug modification rights, like any other translator coordinator,
> then you can open/close/modify any bug (but you should only change
> yours).
> I don't think bugzilla has so fine rights tuning but if it has them, I
> doubt we are using them.

No, AFAIR Bugzilla is very much "all or nothing" in terms of
permissions, so the bugmasters are naturally restrictive in giving out
those higher level permissions.

I believe this is the case with Bugzilla permissions:

* Anyone (with a regular GNOME bugzilla account) can comment on *any*
bug in GNOME bugzilla.

* Anyone that is assigned a bug in GNOME bugzilla can edit *that* bug
(i.e. change status, subject, version details, component, reassign it to
someone else, etc). But as soon as they've reassigned it, they of course
as a consequence cannot edit that bug report any longer.

* A fewer number of people can edit *any* bug in GNOME bugzilla
irregardless if they're assigned it or not.

I think the last permission above has traditionally been reserved for
module maintainers (but I don't think even all module maintainers have
it) and some few people in the bug squad etc.

In any case, this is only what I believe is the case, and I cannot
change bugzilla permissions, so you'll need to contact for that.


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