Re: Brazilian Portuguese translation team bugzilla setup.

ons 2003-10-22 klockan 17.23 skrev Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira:
> > > Users with edit bug privs: (The team coordinators)
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > 
> > > We three have gnome cvs write access. So, if this can be done in a
> > > self-serve basis, we would love to help. :)
> > 
> > The simplest solution is if you can have some individual as the initial
> > owner (you can still have the list as QA). The initial owner is the
> > default bug assignee, and the person who is assigned a bug can always
> > edit it. If this person doesn't want to resolve the bug, he or she can
> > reassign it to someone else, and so on. So perhaps you could use an
> > arrangement like that.
> I have a tendency to *love* simple solutions.
> I guess I lost myself in the details of my request. The main point is:
> we need edit bug privileges to the gentlemen above.

I actually don't know how to arrange that. Perhaps you should contact and hear if it's possible to arrange.

> Put me as the default owner and leave kov as the QA contact. This will
> give us both the ability to edit the bug, and if I assign it to Evandro
> he will be able to edit it also, right?

Yes, I think so. I've updated the pt_BR component now:


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