Re: Proposed status page changes

Carlos Perelló Marín menulis:
>>I also think we should distinguish between the need for "categorization"
>>and simply "information" here. Do we need to put developer applications,
>>text editors, email clients, file managers, etc. all on different status
>>pages? Probably not. Could we perhaps still display some very brief
>>information about what type of application every module is on the status
>>pages? Perhaps.
> Yes, but that's a MAINTAINER task, perhaps they could add a file to
> their code tree so we could just copy the description from that file and
> show it inside status pages.

dont forget, most of the module have
but i dont think we need full description. some info about which 
category the module should belong..

if we open any file, we'll found
"Group: Applications/Multimedia"
"Group: Amusements/Games"
may be we can use it as simple description.
can also shorten to :-

add extra column to tell where is should belong

20 sen

Hasbullah Bin Pit (sebol)

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