Re: [gnome-db] rpms for 0.8.192

Rodrigo Moya wrote:

On Wed, 2002-08-21 at 07:52, Ben Liblit wrote:
Rodrigo Moya wrote:
ok, patchs applied.

Now that we're got things rolling, here's a small follow-on patch for libgda only. The one-line specfile change is a fairly straightforward
omission on my part.  The changes were already in my earlier
patch, but was dropped from in Rodrigo's CVS commit (though the
corresponding ChangeLog description was retained).

Rodrigo, can I impose on you to apply this patch too?  Thank you!

yes, you can. I don't know why it got out of the patch.

Are you volunteering for the job [of building release & snapshot
RPMs]? :-))
I would volunteer if I thought I would be using GNOME-DB regularly, but
my own projects have changed in character and have moved away from
databases.  So I must decline the invitation.

Surely there must be at least one regular GNOME-DB developer who uses a
Red Hat + Ximian GNOME2 box?  (By the way, if it would be helpful to
have a "make rpm" target for each of the three GNOME-DB subsystems, I
think I could put that together without much trouble.  Let me know if
that would be useful.)

no, there is no gnome-db developer using RPM-based distros :-( We seem
to all be using debian, and that's why we get debian packages for all
releases (thanks to Akira). So, we really need someone to take over the
job of doing the RPMs.

The dedication needed for this is 2 hours (exaggerating) the first time,
to set up a script for doing the job, and then, from then, just read the
list for new releases and fire up the script everytime there is a new
release. So, as you can imagine, this will mean like 30 mins from time
to time :-)


gnome-db-list mailing list
gnome-db-list gnome org

I follow up your chat, and perhaps I can help. I am in the process of extending garnome to be able to build rpm packages from garnome build trees. I made up a spec for gnomedb (& libgda) and they build correct rpm. You could easily replace with yours It should be pretty easy to setup an automatic packaging process with it (tinderbox ...), if someone have a unit to host it. Personnaly I have none.

The patch for garnome is available at if you want to have a look at it.


     Remi Cohen-Scali


<Remi at Cohen-Scali dot com> <mailto:Remi_at_Cohen-Scali_dot_com> <rcoscali at rcsnet dot net> <mailto:rcoscali_at_rcsnet_dot_com>

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