2001-April Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
ANNOUNCE: pyFind 0.8.1,
Andy Balcombe
IRIX GNOME packages updated,
David Kaelbling
gtkdial 0.3.6,
Mike Newman
[ANNOUNCE] GNU HaliFAX Viewer 0.21.1 (ghfaxviewer) released,
Wolfgang Sourdeau
Gnome Accessibility,
Padraig O'Briain
Gdk-pixbuf 0.11.0 is released,
Federico Mena Quintero
ANNOUNCE: Glame 0.4.0 released,
Johannes Hirche
Ximian GNOME 1.4 is available.,
Nat Friedman
CVS Stats,
Gregory McLean
GNOME Summary for April 15 - April 21, 2001,
Steve George
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: Bakery 0.7.0,
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: Gnome-- 1.1.17,
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: Guikachu 0.4 "Unquote",
ERDI Gergo
ANNOUNCE: gob 1.0.9 "Fishslapping dance" release,
ANNOUNCE: PonG 0.13 "Eeeeeeeek",
Gnome CVS activity 14 Apr to 21 Apr,
Paul Warren
Job available: Developer Documentation for GNOME at the FSF.,
[ANNOUNCE] GNU HaliFAX Viewer 0.21.0 (ghfaxviewer) released,
Wolfgang Sourdeau
Gnome-aRts-0.1.1 Release,
Stefan Westerfeld
CSL-0.1.1 Release,
Stefan Westerfeld
GTK+-1.3.4 released,
Owen Taylor
Pango-0.15 released,
Owen Taylor
GLib-1.3.4 released,
Owen Taylor
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: pyFind 0.8.0,
Andy Balcombe
ANNOUNCE: Bonobo Configuration Moniker (bonobo-conf 0.2),
Dietmar Maurer
Gnome CVS activity,
Paul Warren
ANNOUNCE: gob 1.0.8 "Herring" release,
gnome-core is out,
jacob berkman
ANNOUNCE: Bonobo 1.0.0 released ...,
Michael Meeks
ANNOUNCE: pyFind 0.7.1,
Andy Balcombe
ANNOUNCE: ThinIce 1.0.4, GEGL edition released,
Tomas Ogren
The Vinyl Project,
GTK+-1.3.3 Release,
Tim Janik
GLib-1.3.3 Release,
Tim Janik
GNOME 1.4 "Tranquility" is released,
Maciej Stachowiak
Gtkdial 0.3.5 Released,
Mike Newman
GTK+-1.2.10 Released,
Owen Taylor
GLib-1.2.10 Released,
Owen Taylor
gtk-engines 0.12 released,
Owen Taylor
'Writing GNOME Applications' chapters released under GFDL,
John R. Sheets
Mail converted by MHonArc