Re: [Gimp-user] Help with Cropping

Are you certain you need a _specific_ dpi? Or is something _close_ ok? If
so, I'd honestly just constrain the select tool to a ratio for your
intended image size (8:10, 24:16, etc) and crop to suit tastes.
On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 7:30 PM SayCheeze <forums gimpusers com> wrote:

* SayCheeze <forums gimpusers com> [05-25-17 16:52]:
or you could use ratio for crop parameters

amazing you want to use a tool but are not really interested in
how it work to the point of berating it comparing to an app you did
to learn to use.

Berating?  No where close.

This program just isn't that user intuitive.  Maybe because all I've ever
is PS for editing.

Since my edits are very minimal, it's driving me up the wall in trying to
out how to get a standard crop size with a specific dpi.

I'll get it sooner or later.  PS is the only thing keeping me in a windows
environment, or should I say editing my work is keeping me in that windows
world.  I run linux at home on my laptop, but at the studio, it's still a
windows world because of my editing.

SayCheeze (via
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