[Gimp-user] Help with Cropping

That camera has a 18MP sensor and should produce images around the
5000 x 3600 pixel mark. Of course you can set a camera up to take much
smaller sizes but my guess is you have got a built-in thumbnail rather
than the actual image. What format is the image, jpeg or RAW (.CRW

If the image format is RAW then use the Canon software that comes with
the camera to convert it for editing. There are plugins for Gimp that
handle RAW images but the camera makers software will be best.
The attached screenshot is my 18MP lumix. The important bit is the
size in pixels at the top. Then go into Image -> Print Size and see
what it says there. Come back and give the equivalent values of your
I could write a 1000 words on this but I am not going to. This little
video shows it all in 4 minutes.


rich: www.gimp-forum.net

Thank you I will have a look at the video and get back to you.  I really
appreciate it.


meathie (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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