Re: [Gimp-user] Move tool locks; what's triggering it?

On Tue, 2017-06-13 at 23:32 +0200, nateart wrote:
My work is mostly geared to print, commonly 300dpi. Greeting cards
(normally 5"x7" or double) are one thing, but 20"x30" wall prints can
get huge - I assume
that the number of layers in a file would be a factor?

Yes. I routinely work with print-sized images at 2400dpi (and then make
 lower-resolution versions of cropped details to sell). But I use a
Linux system. Usually I have only one layer.

As others have said, the tile cache size matters most - set it to maybe
three quarters or your machine's memory.

Actually buying more memory is often a really cost-effective upgrade
for a computer. I have 32GBytes of RAM on this system, and for very
large images (say, 6 gigabytes) sometimes have to quit other programs
and work in small stages.

GIMP reports the memory size of the image in the title bar and/or
status bar. If you open the undo history there's a button at lower
right (in the English locales at least; in Hebrew or Arabic it might be
at lower left) which clears the undo history - this throws away the
memory of what you did, so don't do it if you think you might need to
undo what you've already done. But it saves a lot of memory to do this
every now and then, especially after making several selections in a row
or doing anything that affects the whole image, like "curves".

When you end up "stuck with the move tool" do the menus still work? If
you wait for 10 minutes or so, do you get "GIMP is not responding"
popping up? It's possible it's just taking a very very long time.
Moving an image-sized layer can mean loading the entire image into
memory a piece at a time to update the on-screen preview.


Liam R E Quin <liam holoweb net>

Web slave at

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