Re: [Gimp-user] Move tool locks; what's triggering it?

On 06/13/17 12:16, Nate Owens wrote:
The answers need to come from the programmers. - I post observations (not solutions) from my own experience. -- 1: Some software allows choosing of the amount of ram that it will access. 2: Some software will only access a certain amount of ram regardless of the amount that you have available. --- I've had this same issue with Gimp and other software through several versions of windows (currently running Gimp 2.8 on Windows 10 with ample ram) - Gimp will lock up at a certain point and the only solution is to restart windows. Then Gimp will carry on normally. The best thing to do is to save often... very often. - - - QUESTIONS = A: Can I specify the amount of Ram that will be accessed by Gimp? If so, how? (I haven't seen this relating to any cut/paste operations or the move tool) B: Can any Gimp code-writers, programmers offer help or solutions?
AFAIK GIMP's memory usage is mostly controlled with Edit>Preferences>Environment>Resource consumption>Tile cache size. When images require more memory Gimp moves the data to disk. Note that this is virtual memory, if you set it to something much bigger than your RAM (or more accurately the available RAM once the system and other apps are taken in account) Gimp will just swap like a regular app, so it is usually best to set it to something smaller than your RAM.

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