Re: [Gimp-user] Move tool locks; what's triggering it?

The answers need to come from the programmers. - I post observations (not
solutions) from my own experience. -- 1: Some software allows choosing of
the amount of ram that it will access. 2: Some software will only access a
certain amount of ram regardless of the amount that you have available. ---
I've had this same issue with Gimp and other software through several
versions of windows (currently running Gimp 2.8 on Windows 10 with ample
ram) - Gimp will lock up at a certain point and the only solution is to
restart windows. Then Gimp will carry on normally. The best thing to do is
to save often... very often. - - - QUESTIONS = A: Can I specify the amount
of Ram that will be accessed by Gimp? If so, how? (I haven't seen this
relating to any cut/paste operations or the move tool) B: Can any Gimp
code-writers, programmers offer help or solutions?

*Nate Owens*
nateowens44 gmail com

On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 3:32 AM, Ofnuts <ofnuts gmx com> wrote:

On 06/11/17 04:00, OldPhotog wrote:

I have repeatedly had the recent problem in 2.8 on a Windows 10 machine,
that in
the midst of editing a photo, the move tool gets selected and "locks,"
preventing any other action whatsoever in GIMP -- nothing I have tried
it, and the only way to stop it is to use Task Manager to close the
altogether. Keyboard shortcuts to close, the X, etc. do not work.

I would truly like to know what is triggering this, whether it is a known
problem, and what I can do other than press Ctrl+S after every blessed
edit. I
have seen some years-old posts from previous versions of some variants of
but that's all I have found.

If that happens after a Cut/Paste this is because the active layer is the
"Floating Selection" and there are restrictions on what you can while there
is one. You ha e to either "anchor" it (merge it t its target paste layer
(Ctrl-H) or make it a plain layer ("Layer>To new layer" or Ctrl-Shift-N).

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