Re: [Gimp-user] HATE the new save vs. export behavior

Although I also hate the new feature which restricts what I can do, I don't
think taking a poll is a useful idea.  It seems to me the developers ought
to be aware, as everyone else is, that this was a bad move, that many (who
knows whether most, but certainly many) GIMP users hate it, and just allow
users the same choice we had for so many years.  If there is a down side to
allowing users to make this choice, I haven't heard what that is.

On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 5:07 PM, vitalif <forums gimpusers com> wrote:

Or you could just remap the keyboard shortcuts.
I don't just want to remap the shortcuts. Because (1) sometimes I use the
shortcut and sometimes I use the menu item (and sometimes it's "Save as",
just "Save") and (2) I can't save to XCF using the remapped "Export". And I
don't like pythonish save/export extensions, either, because I don't want a
separate command for "normal save".

What constructive actions can be applied? I think these are:

1) Just make a configuration setting for enabling/disabling the format
restriction for Save.

2) I think that even disabling the restriction on a permanent basis without
adding any settings also won't harm anyone. Those who like Export will be
to still use Export, and those who dislike Export will be happy with normal

3) Make an online poll on some well-known site (so a sufficient amount of
could vote) to understand real proportion between those who like and those
dislike the save/export feature. Something like "What option is better?"
the choices like: "Only one Save command", "Save + Export, without
the Save formats", "Totally separated Save and Export (with Save being
XCF-only)", and "Don't care".

vitalif (via
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