Re: [Gimp-user] Wacom pens with rotation supported ?

2012/5/16 Gwenouille <forums gimpusers com>:
I don't think you need anything there. But are we speaking about the
same thing? In Image: Edit -> Input Devices there are Axes and Keys.
Axes is used for setting the answer curve of the pressure. Keys is not
used at all. But that's with GNU/Linux.

Yes, input devices, not peripherals (says "peripheriques" in french)
Yes, i can see axes and keys.
Nothing under Keys, and under axes:
X Tilt: 4
Y Tilt: 5
Roulette (wheel): ien (nothing)

Did you select one of the components of the tablet, in the list on the
left? This list mentions the various peripherals. For example, for me
it contains four entries for the Wacom tablet. If I select one of
them, all entries under Axes specify a number.

I find surprising that "nothing" corresponds to the missing functionnality...

Probably because you are looking at your mouse or something else?

Linking Wheel to Pressure may be difficult to test. Here is a sketch
using the Wacom Paint Brush, with Wheel linked to Angle and a round
hard brush with Aspect Ratio set to 10.

I can't see any sketch, but I've tried it your way.

It was attached to the message.

Hard brush, flattened by aspect ratio, and the wheel to control the angle.
No result... Still dead horizontal no matter what.

I can control that the wacom driver reads the wheel value alright in the control panel diagnose area...

I will try to install an ubuntu somewhere to see what it is like under Linux.

Try the last version, 12.04. I hate the Unity environment, but you may
like it, or change to Gnome 3 or even something similar to Gnome 2.

And we can continue this conversation privately in French.
Olivier Lecarme

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