[Gimp-user] HATE the new save vs. export behavior

I also hate the save/export feature, that does not bring any convenience at all, and causes lots of errors 
when you are tying to "save" an image. In former Gimp versions, typing the file name without extension was 
enough to "save" the file in xcf.
Now, the program has gone STUPID enough to bring you a useless explanation when you (ARRGH!) "saved" instead 
of "exporting" and (maybe nobody tried yet), if you chose "export" and type xcf or no extension, you are also 
entitled to a little explanation telling that you should have selected the "save" option and saving is 
forbidden too. So that the fix I was about to propose (modify the sources, renaming "export" as "save", and 
"save" as, say "xcf save") is not as simple as I thought, as you also should avoid the dumb explanatory 
message and allow saving in xcf even if you are "exporting".
I would like to know who introduced this new "feature": to my mind, it must be an infiltrated saboteur from 

Francois (via gimpusers.com)

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