Re: [gedit-list] Project management, subversion/SCM integration

Hello all,

I must say that I dislike this discussion. The leading versioning
systems differ a lot in their interface - even on the console - and they
only intersect in very few points, namely in the fact that they support
commits, checkouts, and diffs.

All those tasks are trivial to accomplish using the console. The truly
interesting features, like branch views, history logs or merge options
are so different that it seems impossible to find a common GUI for all
of them.

I feel that it would be smarter to develop completely separate plugins
but to define a common way to display certain things within gedit, like
how diffs are visualised, where the current revision is displayed, in
which menu commands are placed etc etc.

The ideal outcome of the current effort could be a common document where
these questions are tackled and answered. In this sense, the next step
would not be to create some code repository, but to write a few pages on
the wiki where we can gather and structure our ideas.
This document could then be used as a guideline by those who already
committed to the effort of writing an actual plugin, like the author of
the bazaar plugin.


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