Re: Stable GARNOME via arch

Nick Moffitt wrote:

 > 	No setup is necessary for a simple tla get.  The setup is only
 > needed if you're going to be doing commits or branches etc.

No set up, other than:

1.  mkdir ~/projects; cd ~/projects
2.  tla my-id "Bob Kashani <bobk ocf berkeley edu>" 
3.  mkdir ~/.arch-params/signing
4.  gpg --clearsign
5.  gpg --verify-files -
6.  gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 565B38F9
7.  tla register-archive jdub perkypants org--projects
8.  tla archives 
9.  tla my-default-archive jdub perkypants org--projects
10. tla abrowse garnome
11. cd ~/projects
12. tla get garnome--kenny--2.5.2 garnome--kenny--2.5.x
13. cd ~/projects/garnome--kenny--2.5.x

I consider having to follow 11 commands to be a fair bit of set up to do
before you even get to do your first "tla get".

Again, if you follow the instructions carefully, it works very well, and
I'm glad I did it.  I'm sure in the future it will be easy and
convenient to do updates.  However, the above is definitely a bit of set


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