On Wed, 2018-03-14 at 10:00 +0000, Allan Day wrote:
> = Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, March 13th 2018, 18:00 UTC =
> [...]
> * Moderation of public mailing lists (Carlos)
> * There have been some complaints that mailing lists aren't being
> properly moderated - primarily unpleasant/toxic emails being ignored
> * There's no escalation process - what can people do if they feel
> they've been mistreated?
> * There's no process for becoming a moderator or joining a
> moderators team
> * Questions:
> * Would it be better to tackle this issue once we have a code of
> conduct?
> * Is it the moderator's role to police behaviour, or is it more of
> an admin role?
> * Rosanna - some moderators have taken a more active role in the
> past.
FWIW, I am the administrator of the gtk-list, and my role has always
been checking the queue of pending messages to the list. Some eons ago
I requested to pass the list to the moderators team, with no response
When I stepped in, I think that was the role it was always expected for
the list's "moderator".
The thing is, I could barely moderate the behaviour in the list if I
unsubscribed myself of such list several years ago (more than 5 or 6,
for sure). Whenever I need to figure out something, I read (or search)
the archives.
My understanding is that many in the moderator team (or as it was
originally proposed) did not need to be subscribed. Even more, it was a
way for newcomers to get involved.