Re: Board meetings since March (was: Re: Temporaray enlargement of the GNOME Board with 3 persons)

On Tue, Jun 06, 2006 at 02:04:32PM +0200, Dave Neary wrote:
> The minutes for the April 5th and May 17th meetings need to be sanitised
> for board private issues and sent to the list. We didn't have any phone

It takes 2 months ? News from 2 months ago are usually not that useful.

> call for the April 26th meeting, and so the only minutes we have are an
> IRC log, which again needs to be summarised and sanitised for board
> privacy issues. The agendas for all meetings should also be reviewed for
> privacy and confidentiality issues, and sent to the list.

You don't need the agenda to be sent, if you send the minutes in a
timely fashion, then people can react if you forgot something.

> I've been sending the agendas to board-list 48 hours before the meeting

That's nice, but board only, not public awareness, that should make writing
minutes even easier.

> for comments, and preparing a private/public agenda in the wiki and for
> the mailing list has proved more effort than I have available for that,
> and I must admit that it hasn't been a high priority.

Stuff in the wiki has no persistance, contrary to mail archive, requires
web access, and polling or page subscription to monitor state changes.

> As an ex board member, you have read-only access to the board wiki pages
> - would you like to take on this task and help me out?

  I don't have much time either, and I disagree with using the Wiki as the
way to reach out the community.
  I think you're not in a very good position to state there isn't enough cycles
to run those kind of task, I argued that going from 11 to 7 would be a serious
problem, and it's not a matter of having a paid person to do them, the board
ought to have the cycles to push the minutes from meeting in a timely fashion
delegating this can just lead to more delays and less accuracy. It takes 20,
30mn at worse to edit and post minutes, every 2 weeks. If people on the
board don't have that kind of time to offer, then it's a real problem, the
only other option would be if current board people didn't think board minutes
are important, but in that case they should be frank about this and state it
I would not expect or request them.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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