Re: Minutes of the Board meeting 2005 June 15


Vincent Untz wrote:
Le vendredi 24 juin 2005 �2:12 +0200, David Neary a �it :
PS. Another reason to have logo modifications go through the board is that we'd like to hear about all the user groups out there.

This is a bad reason: you'll already know the user groups since they'll
(hopefully) accept the trademark agreement :-)

Sure, it's not a good reason. But it's a reason :) We like to know what people are doing with the foot.

Hrm... Does this also mean that the local groups will need to protect
their logos like the Foundation is doing, according to the same rules?

No. Registering a trademark is a choice, and since groups logos are going to be derivatives of our marks, it is unclear that such a usage could legally be trademarked in any case.


Dave Neary
bolsh gimp org
Lyon, France

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