Re: Yes to Publicity! Not to Anonimity! Was: Re: GNOME Foundation Annual Elections - proposal

On Mer, 2003-09-17 at 02:46, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> The board is querying the membership on the appropriateness and interest in
> the concept of anonymous voting. It would be implemented only if we could
> provide a reasonable level of trust to satisfy everyone that it could not be
> easily abused. A possible voting scheme was presented as part of the
> proposal, and discussed earlier in the thread.
> We're not complete muppets.

Can we seperate the two questions. 

#1 Do we want anonymous voting

#2 If so we can then let folks who know their stuff come back and
propose a safe system.

and no you aren't a complete muppet. You aren't on strings 8)

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