Re: Yes to Publicity! Not to Anonimity! Was: Re: GNOME Foundation Annual Elections - proposal

- Security implications are the same unless proven otherwise (I've already explained it in one of my previous mails)

- Anonimity enables one to vote regardless of interrelations with any candidate, thereby giving a more honest vote

I hate to tell you this but the security *is* different. Please consider a situation with something happening in a closed dark room (anonimous voting) and something happening outside (open voting). In both case, there are people who would be able to do things that nobody would notice.
But in the first case it's much more simple.

Next, the people votes are never honest ones. It's not an ideal world but real life. You have to admit that not only candidate program, candidate expirience but also person's relationship with candidate makes a lot of diference. IMHO, the reason "this guy opposed me in the flame war last week thus I would not vote for him" is not much different from "this guy is my boss and I would vote for him".

Finally, as far as I can udnerstand the reason for this change is to introduce more democracy. However, it's well known that the only rule that satisfy democracy pre-requisits is "dictatorship rule" when everything happen as one person wishes. I could not find a good paper about this theorem and its proof
in google except this short article in Russian:

But I found a paper that talks about this theorem and is interesting by itself:



If you get closer to democracy then you get closer to dictatorship. This is the reason why current political system *are not* fully democratic (but this moves our discussion far away from the subject).


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