Re: Yes to Publicity! Not to Anonimity! Was: Re: GNOME Foundation Annual Elections - proposal

уторак, 16. септембар 2003. 18:08:55 CEST — Murray Cumming Comneon com написа:

The only difference that seems to be relevant to you is that the GNOME foundation is smaller, and we are more likely to know each other. So maybe you would prefer the analogy of voting for mayor in a small U.S. town.
Shouldn't those votes be secret too?

Now thinking of it, I believe all the give nanalogies are bad. If I consider all the mentioned examples (US congress voting being public, people vote anonymously), I would think the following:
- Gnome *users* all over the world would vote anonymously for members
 of Gnome foundation
- Gnome foundation members should vote publicly

Alas, Gnome foundation is *not* consisted of the members chosen by the Gnome users at large, so this analogy *fails* too.

So, lets stop with analogies, and consider the situation:

- Security implications are the same unless proven otherwise (I've already explained it in one of my previous mails)

- Anonimity enables one to vote regardless of interrelations with any candidate, thereby giving a more honest vote

The only concern that "anonimity" has brought us is the concern of enabling frauds. Since we're a community that is well equiped with capable folks, I believe there's someone who can come with a solution to all the issues, so as to bring the frauds to bearable level (note this: there's no system that would be free from any fraud, including immoral campaigns, lies cast during it, and so on).

Still, as I have already mentioned, whoever is concerned with this has enough reason to be concerned about it with the current system too.

Temujin gets my vote.

I've counted already three votes for Temujin.
(Perhaps I should have kept track of *who* voted, so I would know that all those were cast by Murray :-).


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