Re: Yes to Publicity! Not to Anonimity! Was: Re: GNOME Foundation Annual Elections - proposal

Given that there are fair limits on the number of people from a particular
commercial entity that may be elected to the Foundation Board, the idea of
catching 'block voting' seems somewhat useless. I honestly don't care if all
the Widget Incorporated people vote for each other - there'll be a maximum
of four Widget Incorporated positions on the Board anyway. So, I don't think
public ballot records lend us any advantages on this front.
Stop! Did I got that right? Wasn't it the reason why you *want* to have anonymous vote in the first place? :) Just let everyone vote as they want if they feel they need to vote because of corporate reasons. In all cases, if someone is elected in an organisation from the company s/he is working for then it's hard to expect from this person to do things
against that company. At least, this does not look good to me.


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