Re: f-spot future

> exactly the same here. I have +20k photos and things I like are:
> - tagging (just hitting t, autocomplete, apply tags to selection,...)
> - searching (just hitting \, search bar with icons of tags)
> - nested tags, I use this all the time
> - import rolls
> - tag icons
> - exif data
> - timeline
> things I rarely use:
> - photo editing (apart from adjusting the time)
> - full screen mode
> thins I never used:
> - ratings
> - plugins, e.g. export (I do use the db for my own web-frontend though,
> since I want to have the tags available on my webpage)
> I have no clue about Mono, but if there are some mundane tasks, I'm happy to
> help out.
>      ARUN

This is good to know.  The one thing I could really used the most is
people testing git master (I'd like to make packages available -
eventually :) and trying to find crashes and bugs in general.  I've
changed a bunch of code, but there aren't a ton of unit tests so its
hard to tell if I've broken something.


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