Re: Sorting photos, please

On 3/27/07, George Talusan <george convolve ca> wrote:
F-Spot already handles the condition where your images are organized by
folder.  Simply turn off the "copy image" checkbox when importing.  The
only thing missing is reflecting this fact in the UI.  However this is
solved with importing one folder at a time and creating the necessary
tag for it, and repeating for each folder.  No symlinks needed.

That only works in the case that the tags you will apply to a folder are universal. This is not always the case with mine photos ( i.e. christmas photos with different people in them should get different tags).

Now I was playing around with the Arrange By Folder (I somehow never noticed this before), but using a slider to navigate through even a half dozen folders was not intuitive in the slightest. I would like to see this improved. Using the slider to navigate folders would not be my first choice.

So if I turn off the image copying during import, use the Arrange By Folder, and write all metadata to the file, I will at least be able to share tagged images without needing the photos.db. At this point, do I need the database for anything else? If I properly tag my images and they are left in place, is query performance the only other reason for needing the photos.db?

I think it would benefit F-Spot if this feature were improved to feel more like it file browser and less like some nebulous tag where all images are loaded and their thumbnails displayed at once.


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