Re: multilingual tags

The FSF data could contain other information unique to Fspot as well.
One such axample would be thumbnail-field space. For instance, if I
have a picture of my wife with the Sagrada Familia church in the
background, I might want the thumbnail to be either my wife's face, or
the church. I could select the rectangular area that I want (the
interface could also keep the 4:3 aspect ratio) and that would be
saved as the coordinates for the thumbnail image. So the FSF data
would be:

       <value lang="en">Dog</value>
       <value lang="sp">Perro</value>
       <value lang="en">One</value>
       <value lang="sp">Uno</value>

The possibilities for expanding the FSF data are endless. Another
idea: the FSF data could contain the hiearchy information for the

Dotan Cohen

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