Re: [Evolution] Is there a way to set the interface back to what it was?

On Fri, 2022-09-30 at 19:56 +0200, Andre Klapper via evolution-list
On Fri, 2022-09-30 at 18:52 +0200, aguador via evolution-list wrote:
To clarify: CSD does not make text disappear (AFAIK). However, it is as
much a "feature" as a reply button that deletes the original

I see. IMO there is quite a difference between respectfully expressing
"I personally do not like that user interface concept for some reasons"
versus "It's all so totally wrong nobody should ever implement this".


it's off-topic, however, you are probably aware that weapon system or
even civil glass cockpit GUIs must fulfil requirements related to ease
of use and security, while OTOH some mobile phone or tablet app GUIs are
designed to condition the user like a pavlosian dog or train the user
like a circus monkey, to easily outwit the user, to pay for things the
user doesn't need.

The CSD design is not aimed to rip off users, but it partly copies this
kind of bad mobile phone and tablet apps GUIs. The reason is probably
that the developers are already conditioned to this kind of design.
While a classic GUI windows and menu design not necessarily fulfils
glass cockpit standards, it at least doesn't treat the user like a
circus monkey or pavlosian dog and is way closer to this kind of good
GUI design.

IOW it's not just something a user personally does like or doesn't like,
it's something you can rate by scientific studies.


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