Re: [Evolution] Is there a way to set the interface back to what it was?

El jue, 29-09-2022 a las 17:52 +0200, Andre Klapper via evolution-list
On Thu, 2022-09-29 at 13:31 +0200, aguador via evolution-list wrote:

I DK if this has been reported, but I am responding to Tim's
which disappeared when I hit Respond to list -- a feature or a bug?

Errm, how would disappearing be a feature?

In the same way that CSD is a feature!

You can report bugs in the GNOME issue tracker at
by following
and including steps to reproduce that leave no room for

This time, obviously, reponding to list worked. I will test a bit more
before filing a bug to see if I understand why this happened with the
other response.


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