Re: [Evolution] Auto Select First Message in List

On 2021-07-10 at 12:11 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Fri, 2021-07-09 at 13:41 +0200, Milan Crha via evolution-list
On Fri, 2021-07-09 at 10:53 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
I do have "Show Deleted Messages", yet if I delete a message it
disappears from the list a second or two later (not instantly).

there had been a feature request to support Undo in the Mail view,
it was never implemented. One reason is the undo is not a real undo,
you cannot restore to the exact same state when the messages are
around in the IMAP folders (the UID changes, together with the folder

Thinking about this a little more, if the option is presented as
Undelete rather than Undo, I don't see a problem in principle. I
agree that a full Undo would have a lot of implications, some of them
possibly unforeseen, but Undelete is at least conceptually simple. To
reduce complications it could perhaps only operate on the current
folder with messages deleted in the current session.


I think an Undo feature would be more useful than a simple Undelete.
There are more things to undo than deletes:

* You were dragging some mails and lifter the mouse for a second, now
the mails are in some random folder
* You ran a filter which _should_ have filed the mails correctly but
turns out it didn't (probably multiple filters matched)

So the main functionality would be you did something and want things
back like they were, even though you may not fully know what was done.

I don't think not having an identical state at low-level is needed.
Just like moving a file to a different partition, then moving back it
may have a different inode. Yet, the user is just concerned with having
a file named X on folder Y (with content Z).

It's probably non-trivial, though.

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