Re: [Evolution] How to display attached pictures ?


I hope I reply the right way this time (Ctrl + L) in simple text mode

Thank you Roy for your answer.

As I am a daring explorer (!), I installed Evolution 3.40 through
Discover (source = Flatpak)  -->  I lost everything I did previously
with Evolution 😂️
Fortunately, after having uninstalled this version of Evolution I
found again everything (Ouf !)

How can I update Evolution from 3.38 to 3.40 version ?



Le samedi 21 août 2021 à 23:10 +0200, aguador via evolution-list a
écrit :

El sáb, 21-08-2021 a las 09:30 +0200, Pierre THOMAS via evolution-

I thank you Pete for your answer.

I understand how a picture is attached to an email. But, like it
possible with Thunderbird, the recipient must be able to choose
is convenient for him.
(I consider the best ergonomy for a software is the less number of
mouse clicks to perform what you want ...)

As an example, for emails received from my surveillance IP Cam,
emails contain only 3 photos. The body of the email is just 3
each beginning with an arrow, clicking on this arrow displays the
photo. I just wish a parameter in the menu which enables to do it
default, without clicking. (The same with different type of
documents, as in Thunderbird)
What is said in  is too
sophisticated for me ...

My best regards,


Hi Pierre,

I know it does not help now, but Evo 3.40.3 (in Cauldron) has a nice
feature. If you click the download button on an attached photo, the
popup offers the possibility of viewing it or all attached photos
inline (in the attachment pane, not the message pane) where you can
scroll through them. I have not tested to see what it does with
attachments (e.g., images and text documents), but it works really
nicely with photos -- and is something I had not noticed until I
your question!

Sorry, but it seems to be a new feature in 3.40 as I just checked my
Mageia 8 machine, so you basic options are to wait for Mageia 9 or
the flatpak version of Evo.


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