Re: [Evolution] Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded

On Wed, 2018-09-12 at 12:58 +0800, Brendan Bensley via evolution-list
Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires

I do not recall seeing this. There are multiple similar errors returned
from the server, the other one I know of is just "Daily Limit
Exceeded", which is related to the use of the OAuth2 keys. This
"Unauthenticated Use" is something new to me. I'm wondering whether
"Continued use requires signup" means sign up by the application or
signup in a web browser and confirm there something. I vaguely recall
some similar error meant the later, but from what ewald said it seems
it's something else.

I'd probably start with the simple things like what your libsoup
version is. That has its influence on this. Then you can grab a log of
the communication with the server with the below command, which will
contain the same error message, thus to see what preceded to it would
be interesting. The command is:

   $ CALDAV_DEBUG=all /usr/libexec/evolution-calendar-factory -w &>log.txt

The actual path can be different in your distribution. Note the log
contains raw communication between the server and evolution-data-
server, which means it's not suitable for public sharing due to plenty
of private information been shown there (like your appointments,
calendar addresses and such).

Version: 3.28.1-2

That's an old version and it comes here really often that this version
is still used in Unbuntu. There had been done some change (I guess on
the Google server) with OAuth2 tokens responses, which prevented
Evolution(-data-server) to properly parse the token and use it further.
Depending how you've the Google account entered, whether directly in
Evolution or through GNOME Online Accounts (eventually Ubuntu Online
Accounts), you may or may not face some issues. See this thread:
Especially see Paul's message in there, which gives some pointers where
to get more recent Evolution(-data-server) in Ubuntu:
Make sure you update all the Evolution packages you've installed, not
only evolution itself, because some fixes go to evolution-data-server.

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