Re: [Evolution] EWS not showing recurring events

I found a way to reproduce it, and it's only related to Exchange 2016/Outlook365. The recurring events don't show up if the series contains a modified instance.

1. Create a recurring event with no end date. E.g. every Monday at 10am. Do this on OWA/Outlook Online
2. Check Evolution, everything is fine. Keep evolution open
3. Change a single instance by moving it to Tuesday 10am (in OWA)
4. Now check Evolution: The changed single instance (i.e. the one moved from Monday to Tuesday) is still there, and there is another one on Tuesday.
5. Now close all Evolution instances and clear the cache, then reopen: pkill -f -9 evolution && rm -rf ~/.cache/evolution/calendar && evolution &
6. Oh boy, all the events on Monday 10am are missing, only the one on Tuesday 10am is there.
7. Funny: if you now keep evolution open and delete the modified instance (the one on Tuesday) within OWA, the recurring events immediately show up again in Evolution. The event on Tuesday is still shown in Evolution, after you clear the cache, it's gone.

I created a bug report:

So let's continue the discussion there.


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