Re: [Evolution] Evolution is dying

On Thu, 2014-05-29 at 10:12 +0900, rost52 wrote:
Why do you write "Evolution is dying"?

It is an odd choice of a "Subject" and does not very well describe the
problem being discussed - but that is in a long Internet tradition of
vague and inflammatory e-mail subject lines.

Evolution, or some component it uses in the GNOME stack, clearly *does*
have some issues reacting elegantly with flaky servers and/or flaky
networks.  Personally I've only encountered it when my network or server
was broken [as a sys-admin I'm usually the one who broke it].  It would
be good if Evolution was a bit more graceful in how it dealt with these
issues - and that poorish handling seems to be exacerbated by something
certain LINUX distributions do to the software.

I opened it today for the first time and was incredibly happy with
what I see. It is a great 
replacement for Outlook when you go Linux.

Agree, 110%.

I am renagading from MS Windows due to the end of the XP support. All,
I saw so far in Linux looks 
great. Evolution as a replacement for Outlook was a successfully
reached milestone.


Adam Tauno Williams <mailto:awilliam whitemice org> GPG D95ED383
Systems Administrator, Python Developer, LPI / NCLA

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