Re: [Evolution] Evolution is dying

On 05/28/2014 06:16 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Wed, 2014-05-28 at 13:07 +0200, Peter Von Kaehne wrote:
Now, I do not expect that Evolution solves this particular problem.
The asking for a password again and again issue is only caused by
Evolution, other MUAs don't ask again and again. Sure, a server might
claim, "the password or something else fails", so the issue isn't caused
by Evolution, anyway, other MUAs care that the user has got much
comfort. This PITA is a PITA caused by Evolution! It's possible to
handle this issue much smarter, as quasi all other MUAs I know do.

Yes. I suspect Evolution is doing something like:

 - Socket connect success
 - Start authentication
 - Authentication fails for any reason including a network error
 - Report authentication error
 - Oh no, password must be wrong!

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